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Which works are protected by copyright?2019-04-13T14:12:27+02:00

Among the most significant works we can mention: Literary works (novels, poems, essays, articles); Visual works (paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures); Audiovisual works (TV programs, films, videos); Theatrical and musical works; Audio recordings and musical compositions; Software and databases (following recent legislative changes in application of European directives for the harmonization of copyright within the EU).

What is the difference between timestamping a work on tituelo.eu and the deposit at a Registration Authority (i.e. Italian SIAE)?2019-04-15T18:55:36+02:00

The Registration Authorities just like Italian SIAE or America WGA can provide legal evidence of the existence of a new artistic work at a certain date-time. Usually this registration is valid for a period of 5 years. Our timestamping service gives the possibility, through a legally valid timestamp, to prove the existence of the work at a certain date-time. The timestamp is valid for 20 years applicable to any digital document not limited to artistic field (i.e. commercial contracts, legal documents, software, etc.).

What is Copyright?2019-04-13T14:10:45+02:00

Copyright is the legal institution that aims to protect the fruits of intellectual activity by recognizing to the original author the work of a series of both moral and patrimonial rights. The exclusive exercise of these rights by the author allows him to be remunerated through the commercial exploitation of the work.

To add a co-author it is necessary that he has a titutelo.eu account?2019-04-13T17:02:09+02:00

As described in this site’s tutorial , you can add one or more co-authors without that these necessarily have an account titutelo.eu.

The timestamp of a work can be used in court to prove its authorship?2019-04-12T13:13:52+02:00

The copyright on a work arises from the moment of its creation, without the necessity of any formalities (art. 6 Copyright Law). The timestamp  of  titutelo.eu has a probative value, in the sense that it gives a certain date with legal value for the work. In the eventuality of a possible plagiarism of the work by a third party, which is said to be the author thereof, it will be easier to prove that the work had already been created previously in that particular author’s date. So, from a legal point of view, that it is not the deposit of the work to attribute paternity..

Is the timestamp also effective without a digital signature?2019-04-18T12:10:29+02:00

The union between timestamp and digitally signed document seemed, until today, an indispensable one. The ordinance 4251/2019 of the Supreme Court of Cassation has questioned this indissoluble union with the following motivation: The “timestamp” is a service specifically aimed at associating certain and legally valid date and time to a document, thus allowing it to give it a temporal validation which is opposable to third parties (see art. 20, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No. 82 of 2005, CD. Digital Administration Code). The timestamp marking service can be used also on digitally signed files, as well as guaranteeing a reliable and legally valid temporal location. Timestamp, therefore, certifies the precise moment in which the document was created, transmitted or archived. In fact, when the user, with his own software, initiates the process of affixing the timestamp on the document (computer, digital or electronic), a request is automatically sent containing a series of information to the Certification Authority (here we use Aruba PEC), which simultaneously verifies the correctness of the request of the information, generates the temporal brand and returns it to the user. This automatic and immediate process guarantees the safety and validity of the marking process.

How to verify the validity of a timestamp?2019-04-13T14:22:19+02:00

Verification of the validity of the marking can be done with various free software, like Dike by Infocert (Goto website) or ArubaSign (Goto website). A complete list can be found on the AGID website (Goto website). For a quick and safe verification we recommend using the service made available to the National Council of Notaries at the link: https://vol.ca.notariato.it where just enter the .tsr file and the work file to get a complete and reliable report immediately.

How to protect Copyright?2019-04-13T14:08:22+02:00

Copyright comes with the creation of the work. This means that the author of the work automatically has this right, provided it is unpublished. The author therefore has the exclusive right to use the work and can authorize or refuse the reproduction, distribution, execution or representation, without any formal deposit of the work. This means that there is “automatic” protection. However, to be able to prove the creation of the work at a given historical moment, it is advisable to assign a certain date to the creation of the work, for example by affixing the time stamp to the file containing the work to be protected.

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